Krysalyd Films

Hi everyone!

It's with a lot of excitement that I announce a change of name.

John Perthuis Photography on Facebook will become Krysalyd Films.

I will still post my photography work and I will start to post my videography work and other forms of artistry artwork.

Stay tuned and discover more amazing contents showcasing incredible artists, musicians and much more...


Today is a great day

It is with a lot of excitement that I am very proud to release my website. It’s been quite a lot of work to create it. To be honest, I wouldn’t be able to make it without this wonderful woman, Christine Do. She has done an incredible work and gave me a lot of support and inspiration.

After many years developing my passion, meeting talented artists, performers and creative minds, I can finally show the world a collection of my works. I am ready to connect and create with more inspiring human beings.

I am also very excited to drop this fantastic music video we did for Dooz and Blotto, titled “On One”.

It was our first project together and it’s been great to work with these 2 talented Australian musicians. I can’t say how grateful I am for working on this concept with Aymerick Roveda. He’s truly a very talented videographer and filming with him has been an enjoyable and creative experience.

Special thanks to Mario for creating my logo. Thank you to all the people I have collaborated with in Melbourne for the past three years. It’s been a real pleasure creating unique projects and producing some great works. I hope to continue on this journey with some of you and to connect and create more magic!